In today’s headlines, while the battle for Grozny is nearly over, ministries are
struggling to assist thousands of refugees in desperate need after years of
fighting in Chechnya. Russian Ministries George Law says only a handful of relief
agencies are permitted to assist the 800,000 refugees in camps along the border.
“There are only three or four agencies that are able to work in and around Chechnya.
Russian Ministries has received governmental approval and requests for aid and
assistance. We’ve been allowed permission to work there since we already have staff
on the ground.” Law says with the assistance, comes the opportunity to share the
Gospel. However, the situation is grave. “Right now refugees are receiving typically a
half a pound of bread per day and some soup. One meal a day is all they’re given. I
think children are allotted some milk.” Law says prayer is needed for finances to
purchase more supplies.