Story number 2 for 17 Jan 2000

By January 17, 2000

Meanwhile, children are the focus of a new video being produced by the Jesus
Film Project. Director of the Jesus Film Project, Paul Eshleman, says this is one of
their top three projects for the year. “In February we will be releasing the new story of
Jesus for children. It’s the adaptation of the Jesus Film. We went back recreated sets
just like they looked in the original film and we followed six children from ages six to
12 through the story as they watched Jesus feed the 5,000 and raise the daughter of
Jirus from the dead.” It will be released in English first and then translated into other
languages next year. Eshleman says this is a great tool to lead Children to Christ. “I
think it’ll be used by home schoolers. It’ll be used in summer camps and vacation Bible
school. With many Sunday School teachers not feeling adequately equipped and
prepared to lead their children to Christ in their classes, I think this will be a great tool
for them to use.”

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