Elsewhere, the Flying Hospital is teaming up with Operation Blessing for a special medical missions trip to Pueblo, Mexico. Flying Hospital’s Kristin Vischer says the February trip is aimed at this area because: ” We are going to Pueblo, Mexico because it is one of the hardest hit Mexican states that just went through a recent earthquake and that earthquake caused floods. Because of a lot of infection and disease and things result in floods and stagnant water, we’re going to be going in there with a clinic.” Vischer says the people who visit the hospital during the clinics will also be exposed to the Gospel. “Our sponsor, Operation Blessing, will be having a counseling area in the clinic site where, as the people get treated, they’ll go through the counseling area. If they choose to, they can sit down with a counselor, and we’ll give them a free Bible. Also, World Reach is going to be doing some evangelistic activities.”