Story number 3 for 4 Nov 1999

By November 4, 1999

Despite celebrating 10 years of freedom next month, mission groups are asking people to pray for evangelical ministry in the former Soviet Union. Next week will be the anniversary of the Iron Curtain falling. New Hope International’s Rei Abrudan (ray AH-broo-dan) conducts youth ministry training in Romania. He says a lot has changed in 10 years. “If I have to try to describe ministry in those times it was high quality, but very low quantity. Now, the quantity of ministry is huge. Like, the churches are involved in all sorts of ministries.” However, the now quality of ministry is lacking. Abrudan says there is a great need of youth ministry training. “Our closest goal is to go in those churches that are opening their doors to help develop their area of youth ministry. Then, there is a huge need for training youth workers. There is no school in Romania that is doing training for youth workers or youth ministers. In Romania there is only one youth pastor that is paid by the church.”

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