A look at Iran’s influence in the Middle East as U.S.-Houthi conflict rises

By March 19, 2025

Iran (MNN) — Tension between the U.S. and Houthi rebels in Yemen rose this weekend after heavy U.S. airstrikes and some answering fire from the newly re-designated terrorist group. 

But the U.S. is also pointing past the Houthis to Iran, which denies backing the group despite evidence over the years. 

For Iran, it’s already not been a good year. Dr. Hormoz Shariat with Iran Alive Ministries says that after the events of 2024 and of 2025 so far, “the Iranian government has lost its influence in the Middle East.”

He says Iran’s proxies Hamas, Hezbollah and players in Syria have been destroyed. On top of that, Iran has already lost the support of the Iranian people, plus suffered financial losses.

“Now with Trump in power, it’s going to be even worse with maximum pressure and sanctions,” he says. “So [the] Iranian government is really desperate right now for survival.”

The people of Iran are suffering along with the government, though in sharper ways. “They’re suffering because of [the] economy. They’re suffering because of the government. The government is so afraid of the people … that anybody [who] speaks up will be killed,” Shariat says, pointing to recent uprisings in the past few years which the government responded to with brutal crackdowns.

But despite the continued undercurrent of defiance of Iranians, their outlook is still grim.

Women in Iran wearing the traditional hijab and loose-fitting clothing required by sharia law.
(Photo courtesy of mostafa meraji/Unsplash)

“People are in such a desperate way that they say, ‘What else is there? Who can save us? If we come on the streets, they will kill us,’” says Shariat. “So [the] people of Iran are looking for a savior.”

As the Iranian regime grips its own people, Iran Alive broadcasts the hope of Jesus into Iranian homes through a 24/7 satellite channel. 

“The message we have is, ‘No human can be your Savior. Don’t trust in human[s]. They say something and they change their mind. The prince is not your Savior. Netanyahu is not your Savior. Trump is not your Savior. Jesus is your only Savior left.’” 

Please ask God for more spiritual breakthroughs in Iran. “We are facing a dark spirit of Islam. It’s named in Daniel 10 ‘the Prince of Persia,’” says Shariat. “So, number one [way to get involved]: prayer. Number two is to support us financially. For any growth, you need the right people and you need finances.

“Number three is [to] get involved. If you have discipleship material, if you have video resources on any subject — not just the Bible, but how to have a good marriage, how to parent — any subject that you can build [up] Christians, you can broadcast on our channel. I invite brothers and sisters to join us using media to help the church in Iran,” says Shariat.

Connect with Iran Alive Ministries here to learn more. 




Header photo of Tehran, Iran courtesy of Mohammad Amirahmadi/Unsplash. 

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