PTEE offers biblical education in Syria despite years of regional conflicts

By December 10, 2024

Syria (MNN) — While the dust settles after the fall of the Syrian regime this weekend, ministries are watchful but moving forward. The Program for Theological Education by Extension has provided biblical learning for Christians in Syria since 1990, and for other MENA countries since 1981.

The past 13 plus years of Syria’s civil war didn’t stop God’s work there. Even before the events of the past week, Daniel* with PTEE saw threads of redemption in the war: 

“Conflict has a spiritual effect, and it can make people turn away from the Lord, or it can bring people to Him,” he says. “We discussed this with some of our course facilitators in Syria, and they said they notice people holding firmly to the Word of God and throwing themselves into the arms of the Lord. They described Him as the only one who could truly provide peace and safety.” 

He explains, “There are a lot of people who have a Christian traditional background [in Syria], but perhaps don’t personally know the Lord Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We’ve particularly seen growth in those kind of communities.

(Photo courtesy of PTEE)

“Those who would before have nominally described themselves as Christian, since the war has been going on [they] have turned to the Lord and found His open arms wonderfully ready to receive [them].”

Case in point: PTEE currently serves more than 400 students across the MENA region per year. Daniel says in recent years, up to half have been from Syria! Praise God for this surge in biblical training among Syrian’s Christians. 

Pray for Syria — the coming weeks will be tumultuous. Pray also for Christian leaders being raised up through PTEE courses. 

“It can be hard to keep praying for peace when there’s been [such] a long period of time without stability and peace. [But] keep praying for peace in this country,” says Daniel. 

“You can also give thanks for the work that the Lord has been doing amongst His people, particularly amongst those who always used the name of Christ and would say, ‘I’m from that background,’ but until now, hadn’t made that personal commitment.”

Learn more about PTEE here. 


*Name changed for security



Header image is a stock photo courtesy of ErikaWittlieb via Pixabay.

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