Spiritual freedom ministry helps record number of people

By September 17, 2024

United States (MNN) — More people are seeking spiritual freedom and healing than ever in the history of Set Free. Executive Director Dean Vander Mey says Set Free recently led people in the USA, UK, India, and Australia through freedom appointments.

Vander Mey says, “Freedom appointment is a one-day spiritual house cleaning in dealing with all the things that affect our relationship with our Heavenly Father.”

The 7-step process addresses the most common areas of life where Christians experience spiritual attacks and temptations. It was originally developed over 25 years ago to help Christians preparing for pastoral leadership, but it is now available for anyone seeking spiritual freedom and healing.

The appointment applies the biblical principles of confession and repentance. For example, James 5:16 says, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” In each freedom appointment, two volunteers lead and pray with a person through the spiritual barriers that may separate him or her from God.

“We go to the doctor once a year to see how our bodies are doing,” says Vander Mey. “Why don’t we do that with our spiritual health?”

In recent years, Set Free has seen increasing requests for freedom appointments. The ministry has multiplied its volunteers four times to respond to the rising needs, expanding from 20 to 80 people trained to facilitate freedom appointments. Vander Mey says Set Free volunteers have already surpassed the total appointments completed last year.

“There’s a lot of hurting people right now all over the world. Depression, anger, anxiety… It’s all ramped up. Probably since 2020, it’s hit all-time highs,” Vander Mey says.

“We have a volunteer army who have experienced their own freedom, and they want to give back.”

Request your own freedom appointment or learn how to help others to be set free by visiting SetFreeMin.org.

Set Free follows the model set by Jesus when he declares in Luke 4:18, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me…to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and…to set the oppressed free.”

Vander Mey says, “We have to go back to the original mission of Jesus and the heart of God and searching for the lost and bringing back strays. I think that’s the heart of the gospel.”


Header photo courtesy of Set Free Ministries on Facebook.

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