Kids are a critical yet unreached demographic in Iran

By September 5, 2024

Iran (MNN) — A wise man once said, “Planning without action is futile; action without planning is fatal.” This fall, Transform Iran is laying the foundation to effectively reach children for Christ.

A generous partner made part of the plan possible by providing training for 35 Gospel workers. The training will cover topics like effectively communicating the Gospel with children, discipling children, and releasing children into mission. More about that here.

(Photo courtesy of Transform Iran)

“When children do start responding [to evangelistic material], we want to make sure that people across our ministry [will] be ready to go,” Transform Iran’s Lana Silk says.

“We can say, ‘Okay, here’s a 12-year [-old] girl who’s responded from Iran. I’m going to connect her to you. Will you disciple her?’ Meanwhile, we’re expanding our digital evangelism and discipleship materials for children.”

Kids are a critical yet unreached demographic in Iran. “Children are not exempt from the pain that the people of Iran are suffering today. We have a pretty formalized, permissive structure in Iran that allows the abuse of children,” Silk says.

“Child marriage is a reality; children who are abused have no course of action. Then, we’ve got hundreds of thousands of children who are abandoned.”

The children of Iran face poverty, a lack of freedom, and an uncertain future. Help them find the hope that comes only through knowing Christ by partnering with Transform Iran.

“There are millions of children in Iran under the age of 12. Our estimates show eight to 10 million,” Silk says.

“We don’t anticipate immediately reaching all of them, but if even 1,000 children were to respond in the first year and let’s say 100 of those gave their lives to the Lord, that would be a wonderful start.”




Header and story images courtesy of Transform Iran.

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