Men’s discipleship program gains traction in Nigeria

By June 25, 2024

Nigeria (MNN) – What does it mean to be a man of faith in areas that are hostile to that idea?

Trans World Radio hosts curriculums for the specific situations of its listeners. One program, Every Man A Warrior, disciples men in their relationships with Christ. Building on cornerstones of prayer, Bible study, and discipleship, this program helps foster Scripture-driven connections between Christan men and their Savior.

Joshua Irondi is a part of Trans World Radio’s team in Nigeria. There, he works as National Ministry Coordinator. He says that five groups in Nigeria have used Every Man A Warrior to kick off discipleship efforts.

These groups are in hostile areas facing potentially violent instability. As a result, some of these groups have had to either practice extreme caution or halt meetings until things are safer.

Why does that matter? What are group members missing?

In short, complete life change.

These groups are designed not just to help men dig into their Bibles but also to bring that knowledge back into the rest of their lives. In fact, many of these groups are designed for families, not just men.

“We’ve had cases where people who are paired with their wives, couples who are on the verge of breaking up, changing their minds to work on their marriages,” Irondi says. “The lives of people are being changed. Some churches are coming to us and asking us to come and train their men because they see a turnaround in the lives of people who are involved.”

That’s why it’s so important that these groups begin again.

Pray that “the Lord will intervene and peace so that people can move about and congregate freely,” Irondi says. “We just need the Lord to intervene and let there be peace everywhere.”

You can learn more about the “Every Man A Warrior” program and other Trans World Radio projects here.



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