Gospel outreach grows in Sri Lanka

By June 11, 2024

Sri Lanka (MNN) – As India grows more intolerant towards Christians, doors are opening in a neighboring country. Helen Williams of World Missionary Press says two of their ministry partners in India plan to begin outreach to Sri Lanka.

“They’ve decided to reach out down there. Some of that is because of some of the persecution and the difficulties in India. And they’re still trying to reach the Tamil speaking people, wherever they are,” says Williams.

WMP produces Scripture booklets that are distributed freely to make disciples around the world.

Williams says, “The book was so effective in India and in other places where they’re working, so they came to us and said, ‘Okay, we want to go to Sri Lanka, what can you do for us?’”

Scripture booklets from WMP have already helped another ministry in Sri Lanka for 25 years. The new ministries will support local pastors, train leaders, and send evangelists.

“Workers are going into the rural areas, and there is open response,” says Williams.

“So this is an opportunity that the Lord presented, and we’re just grateful that we can be part of it.”

While persecution still affects Sri Lankan Christians, lives are being changed by God’s Word. One man learned about the love of Christ when a pastor shared with him a Scripture booklet from WMP. He joyfully put his faith in Christ and shared the news with his sisters, who also wanted to learn more. Now he attends church with his sisters and parents.

A woman who received a Scripture booklet early last year shared it with her husband, and they have since began following Jesus together. She says:

“Through the Holy Bible I have found solace and answers. I firmly believe that the Word of God is the wellspring of life. His presence blesses us and I aspire to deepen my faith and understanding of His teachings. I am grateful that my husband and I embraced Jesus together, uniting us in worship as a family. My heart overflows with joy as I follow the living God.”

WMP is preparing to send a shipping container of resources to support the work. The resources will be distributed through the three ministries in Sri Lanka to share the Gospel with thousands of more people. You can give to the project here. For every dollar donated, WMP can print 21 Scripture booklets.

Pray for the Scripture booklets to soon reach the pastors and evangelists in Sri Lanka. The new Sri Lankan ministries have also asked for prayer over their leaders.

“Two of these [ministries] are establishing new works, and that needs godly leadership on the ground. That’s always a challenge in some of these places,” says Williams. “We’re glad to provide the material, but there has to be a structured, Spirit-controlled, Spirit-directed plan, and an oversight, and accountability when any of these ministries start in a new field.”

Pray for God to protect and direct the faithful leaders sharing the Gospel with the unreached peoples of Sri Lanka.


Photos courtesy of World Missionary Press.

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