International (MNN) — Queen Elizabeth II was laid to rest in one of the United Kingdom’s largest gatherings of royalty and politicians in decades. Some 500 heads of state traveled to London for the state funeral, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Floyd Brobbel with The Voice of the Martyrs Canada says today is a national day of mourning in the Great White North.
“Queen Elizabeth visited here 22 times in her lifetime, I think; maybe more than any other country in the Commonwealth,” Brobbel says regarding the Queen’s impact on Canadians.
“[She was] much loved and appreciated.”
The Queen became head of the Church of England at her inauguration in 1953. She also described a personal relationship with Jesus in some of her Christmas broadcasts, especially during the later years of her life.
On several occasions, “she would speak out on the issues of religious freedom, advocating that everybody had the right to choose their religion, and not only express their religion, but propagate their religion,” Brobbel says.
“Increasingly, the Christian voice is being drowned out. Having someone of the Queen’s caliber openly professing their faith, speaking out for all those in need, advocating for persecuted Christians around the world – that’s a strong voice that will be missed greatly in Canada and globally.”
The Queen’s oldest son Charles automatically became King following her death on September 8.
“Pray for His Majesty King Charles III, that he would pick up the voice his mother had to speak out for those who are persecuted, particularly Christians who are persecuted for their faith,” Brobbel requests.
“Early indications are he may do that more strongly than some people thought he would.”
Header image depicts crowds and flowers at Buckingham Palace following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. (Wikimedia Commons)