Ukraine (MNN) — The West is considering sending more military support to Ukraine to repel Russia’s latest push in the eastern region. Meanwhile, officials say at least 1,200 civilians were killed in the Kyiv area during weeks of Russian occupation.
Ever wonder what keeps believers in Ukraine going amid the horrors of war? Jon Fugler says the TransWorld Radio Ukraine team is “standing on God’s sovereignty and taking a look at the total picture, and they know one day Jesus will return. They’re talking about that.”
Ukrainians turn to Christian media for hope as the Russian invasion drags on. Visits to the TWR360 platform have increased 40-percent from Kyiv since the war began. Plus, visits rose 32-percent from Lviv, a transit city for refugees leaving the country.
Despite massive wartime disruptions, the TWR Ukraine team is still producing Gospel programs. “These days, you bring your studio with you: computers, laptops, microphones. You produce these programs wherever you can – in a basement [one day], a studio the next day,” Fugler says.
“This is a day-to-day situation for them.”
Ukrainian believers worldwide are eager to help their people. “Translators have come forward –some in Ukraine, some in the U.S., some in Europe – [to translate] materials. A few radio stations here in the U.S. have gotten the word out for us, and the Lord has honored that; [these] connections are so critical,” Fugler says.
“A lot of people helping us out are in trauma right now. They say, ‘I want to help my country. I can translate a script; if you want me to voice something, I’ll do that; if you want me to read Bible verses, I’ll do that.’ They’re doing whatever they can to help their country, and we need to back them up in prayer.”
Light in the darkness
Believers can soon return to the TWR Ukraine studio in Kyiv after the Russian troop withdrawal. More about that here. Praise God for this development, and pray the war will end soon.
“Pray for protection; pray the Lord [will] be glorified somehow through this; pray for people to come to Christ,” Fugler requests.
“God is at work. We need to pray!”
Pray also for Gospel work in Russia. TWR’s contact says the ministry continues there, albeit with some restrictions. Social media channels are currently banned in Russia, including Instagram. Nevertheless, thousands have somehow viewed posts on the ministry’s Instagram account.
Even with sanctions creating economic challenges, the people of Russia are still supporting God’s work. TWR’s contact sees small donations coming in almost every day.
Gifts to TWR’s crisis fund provide food and other essentials for believers in Ukraine. Financial support also helps TWR provide and distribute Gospel programming in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.
In the header image, the TWR Ukraine Director addresses listeners and audience members on social media from an undisclosed location near Kyiv. (Photo, caption courtesy of TWR Ukraine)