TWR launches Persian World Radio

By March 30, 2022

Iran (MNN) — Trans World Radio has launched Persian World Radio, an online Farsi radio station that will serve audiences in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.

More than 100 million people speak Farsi worldwide. The programming will run 24 hours a day. The station carries music and discipleship programs. It’s a great resource for Iranian Christians who don’t have access to many Christian materials – printing Bibles is illegal in Iran.

Daniel says nearly 70 percent of Iranian people don’t want to be Muslim anymore. “They actually don’t want to be connected to any religion at all. What we pass to them through the radio is a God who wants to have a relationship with them. We do not give them religion, but a relationship.

“And I believe that through this message they will come to Christ, and reach for the love of God.”

Why use an internet station? Daniel says Iranians love using internet programs like blogs and podcasts, and they don’t appreciate government restrictions blocking online activities. “The Iranian regime is pushing back. They say, ‘Don’t use the internet. It’s not good for you.’ They close the internet sometimes. But because of that, people use VPNs, reaching more websites.”

How to pray

The goal of this program is to encourage Iranian Christians and give them a sense of community with each other and the Global Church. Daniel says TWR hopes to include children’s programming in the future.

But it doesn’t stop at Farsi. Throughout the year, more languages will appear on the schedule, including Laki, Luri, and Balochi.

Ask God to strengthen believers in Iran. Daniel says they are often barred from schools, jobs, and government positions because of their faith in Jesus.



Header photo courtesy of Peggy_Marco on Pixabay. 

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