Pakistan (MNN) — Bibles For The World helped host an evangelistic event near Karachi in southern Pakistan. Around 52,000 people attended during one of the rallies.
Thousands more attended each night. Millions watched online or on television from Pakistan, India, and other surrounding countries. Most of the attendees were Muslims or Hindus. John Pudaite says, “Really, it was a series of events over about a week period. This came together with some very strong local partners, as well as some international partners.”
Pudaite says it took lots of Christians pulling together as the body of Christ. “Our role as Bibles For The World was to provide the scripture support throughout the event, whether it be in medical clinics, visits to orphanages and schools, to jails and prisons, or women’s outreach events.”
This work culminated in the large rally events. Pudaite says thousands of people began following Jesus. BFTW gave out copies of the New Testament and the Gospel of John to the new Christians and to those who were curious.
New believers
But the work doesn’t stop here. Pudaite says, “We are so happy with the strength of our local partners. They not only organized this event, but in their plans for the follow-up discipleship, they will be bringing these new followers of Christ into their churches.”
Praise God for these new Christians. Ask Him to strengthen them, as they may face difficulty in the days ahead. Pudaite says, “The new Christians, as well as the established Christians, are going to face a lot of oppression, a lot of persecution as they try to follow Christ.”
Pray also that the Holy Spirit would speak through the many New Testaments and copies of John that went out.
The header photo shows the crowd at one of the rallies. (Photo courtesy of Bibles for the World)