Locust invasion overtakes Argentina as outreach efforts intensify

By February 3, 2016
Flickr_locust swarm

Argentina (WMP/MNN) — Argentina is facing its worst locust attack in over 50 years, and experts say it’s not going to end any time soon.


A locust can eat its entire body weight in vegetation. (Wikimedia Commons)

It all began with the arrival of a few locusts last July and has grown to an epidemic affecting approximately 1.7 million acres of land.

According to National Geographic, each locust can eat its body weight in vegetation. Locusts travel in swarms, which can reach up to 460 square miles in size.

With the help of World Missionary Press, Christians are pressing through the plague to make Christ known.

World Missionary Press shared the following update on its Facebook page and in a recent newsletter:

In spite of political, economic, and social crisis in Argentina, WMP volunteer coordinator and EHC director Rino B. saw house-to-house distribution and special ministries more than double during the past year.

New strategies were used to increase the number and skills of volunteers, improve the ministry’s social media presence, and expand into neighboring Bolivia and Paraguay. He soon “discovered a serious problem!” The expansion depleted materials and greatly increased the need for “at least 3 million pieces of literature to cover the year 2016.”

(Graphic courtesy WMP)

(Graphic courtesy WMP)

Rino shared the touching story of Walter, now 42 years old, who has devoted his life to volunteer ministry with EHC. Walter was 8 years old when his beloved grandmother died. In her belongings he saw an old, well-worn WMP booklet, “Help From Above,” which he began to read repeatedly.

Through his reading, he discovered that he could know Jesus as his personal Savior. He was 14 when he began to attend the church his grandmother had attended, was baptized, and committed to deliver literature received by the EHC office in Argentina. “During 28 years I’ve distributed thousands of tracts, and I have the privilege to guide the feet of Christ to hundreds or thousands peoples. So I am very happy.”

WMP is preparing a fresh 40-foot container of Gospel literature to fuel Rino’s incredibly fruitful ministry.

“During 28 years I’ve distributed thousands of tracts, and I have the privilege to guide the feet of Christ to hundreds or thousands peoples. So I am very happy.” --Walter (Photo, quote courtesy WMP)

“During 28 years I’ve distributed thousands of tracts, and I have the privilege to guide the feet of Christ to hundreds or thousands peoples. So I am very happy.” –Walter
(Photo, quote courtesy WMP)

World Missionary Press produces approximately 7,000,000 Scripture booklets each month to send out free of charge.

As explained here, a single roll of paper can produce 80,000 Scripture booklets at a cost of $1,080. Every donated dollar on average can reach more than 20 people anywhere in the world with the life-saving, life-changing Gospel.

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