Middle East (CAM/MNN) — A woman we’ll call, “Rasha” was four months pregnant when she came to a refugee camp in Iraq. The distraught woman was injured and had burns on her face. She couldn’t eat or sleep. When gospel workers visiting the camp ministered to her, they learned the reason for her grief: her husband, father, and two brothers were all killed in Syria–all on the same day.
Ministry workers assisted by Christian Aid Mission, your link to indigenous missions, visited her daily, offering her food and supplies like bedding, clothes, and a heater. They prayed for her, encouraging her to focus on the new life inside her, and they gave her a Bible. Months later, Rasha gave birth to a healthy baby girl whom she named Farah, which means “joy.”
Christian Aid Mission PR Director Aime Cotton said, “There are so many big problems in the world; its like, ‘What can I really do?’ This is how you can actually do something that will meet a need of an indigenous missionary.”
When you purchase items from Christian Aid Mission’s Annual Gift Catalog, you can help Iraqi refugees like Rasha and provide for their needs so they can have “a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11) through the love of Jesus Christ
In their 60 years, Christian Aid Mission has assisted indigenous or native missionaries throughout the world, supporting more than 1,500 ministries in more than 130 countries. This holiday season, the Christmas Gift Catalog shares practical ways to equip native missionaries with the tools they need to proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the earth, as well as ways to meet physical needs like food, water, and clothing.
The Christmas Gift Catalog offers opportunities to help Christian workers who are some of the most impoverished believers in the world–those on the front line of Kingdom work ministering to their own people. They are ministering to people who need food and shelter in Iraq, wells in Africa, llamas and sheep in Latin America, grain in Syria, Bibles in Ukraine, bicycles in Sri Lanka, and buildings for worship in India. These are gifts that benefit whole communities, many yet without a witness for Jesus Christ.
“It’s making a difference for the Kingdom, and its growing and enlarging the Kingdom,” says Cotton. “Every person can make a difference, whether its $5 for a Bible in someone’s own language that they’ve never seen before.”
For $5 you can also provide a Sunday School activity booklet that can open a child’s heart and mind to God’s Word.
For $20, you can provide a family with farm animals like chicks and ducks for healthy meals, with the excess sold as a source of income.
For $30, you can provide warm clothes and bedding offering physical as well as spiritual comfort to orphans, homeless street kids, and impoverished families. There are more than 15 items to choose from, including building churches, digging wells, providing disaster relief for Iraqi refugees, and supporting vocational training to help at-risk girls escape exploitation.
You can also give a gift in honor of a loved one, and Christian Aid Mission will notify the honoree by mail that a gift was made in honor of that individual.
Christian Aid Mission is an evangelical missionary organization in Charlottesville, Virginia, that seeks to establish a witness for Jesus Christ in every tribe and nation by assisting effective indigenous or native ministries through prayer, advocacy and financial support. Their focus is on reaching the unreached for Christ in areas of the world where there are few Christians, where Christians suffer because of poverty or persecution, or foreign missionaries are not allowed. They assist more than 500 ministries overseas that have tens of thousands of indigenous or native missionaries in the field. These ministries are engaging more than 1,000 unreached people groups in more than 100 countries around the world.