Refugees learn to Love Your Neighbor

By December 3, 2014

partners_water-life-chinaBurma (MNN) — In June 2011, the Burma Army broke a 17-year ceasefire in Kachin State, displacing over 120,000 innocent civilians. Many have fled to refugee camps, where access to food and healthcare is limited and the risk of trafficking is high. In these places of despair, Partners Relief and Development has been working with local organizations to train and equip an amazing group of volunteers to lend a helping hand.

The volunteers are themselves refugees, helping their fellow refugees. Partners says these volunteers live by one rule: Love your neighbor.

One volunteer, Bauk Ja, served families in the refugee camp Pa Kahtawng. Despite the loss of her home and her husband, she supported her “neighbor,” Lapai Sang Mai, who is a mother of six and lives with her mother-in-law while her husband is at war.

Partners said Bauk Ja arranged for people to stay at the clinic with Mai during labor. This allowed Mai’s mother-in-law to watch over the other children at home.

Already over 150 volunteers have been trained. Altogether they are caring for nearly 8,000 IDPs. Those who need food receive it. Those who are sick are cared for. And community is brought into a thrown-together refugee camp.

Click here to help Partners help refugees.

Pray for an end to the tensions and for a lasting ceasefire.

One Comment

  • Great grace attend your labour.
    I would like to be having daily news and prayer bulletin from your corner as to join in any capacity,God will grant me,especially prayers,support and visit to some fields if need be.
    God keep and bless you.

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