Mozambique (ASM) — When I say “Tique-Tique,” what comes to mind?
A deer -like creature? Slang for a specialty store? Toddler-speak? How about a village? Audio Scripture Ministries recently visited the village of Tique-Tique for an audio Bible distribution. This is why we’re focusing on the visit: it represents a fast-growing hunger for God’s Word in central Mozambique.
The staff of Crown of Victory studio in Mozambique finished building a brand new studio last year. Even as the dedication celebration streamers were still fluttering, people were approaching the ministry with requests.
One was a request for the recorded New Testament in the Ndau language of central Mozambique. There were several requests for an audio Bible distribution. The influx in requests elevates the importance of the new studio, but it means more work.
The new studio is already in the process of registering with the national government, which will allow them to work in more areas of Mozambique. Plus, they’re just starting to assemble and record audio Scripture materials for one of the first pain management programs in central Mozambique. These materials will provide comfort and hope for both the patient and their family.
Work in the south of the country is taking off. Teams report a successful audio Bible distribution in the village of Matcheleni in southern Mozambique.
Twenty-eight more audio Bibles were distributed in that village.
You might be wondering if 28 audio Bibles is enough, or whether they are effective? Each person given an audio Bible becomes a “preaching point.” Often, listening groups form. In fact, at the last distribution, three women testified how they became believers in Jesus after listening to a borrowed audio Bible. They now have their own audio Bibles and plan to use them to share Jesus with their family and neighbors.
Pray that the ASM team will be able to keep up with the requests for audio Bibles, and that the Lord would use His Word to transform the nation.