South Sudan (WYC/MNN) — Have you ever wondered, “Do my donations really make a difference?” Wycliffe Bible Translators USA says they do, especially for the Murle people of South Sudan.
Inter-tribal conflict is an everyday reality for the Murle, who live in a remote area near the Ethiopian border. Conflict between subversive groups and the country’s army has destabilized the Murle area, displacing thousands.
Many have lost Bibles as a result, including a Murle man named Marko.
“I had [a Bible],” Marko recently told Wycliffe’s in-country partner. “But I lost it when we were running from the fighting.”
Pray that the Murle will find peace that can only come from a relationship with Jesus Christ. Learn more about this people group here.
Gifts to Wycliffe’s annual summer campaign help replace Bibles for people like Marko. Support raised through this campaign also helps other people groups read God’s Word in their heart language, many for the first time.
Summer months can be hard for translation teams, when giving tends to drop and the work becomes harder to sustain. Over June, July, and August, Wycliffe USA is asking everyone to help press the work forward.
Thanks to a matching gift, each donation up to $110,000 USD is matched. As a result, more people can be trained to be Bible translators, and more work can be finished. More Scripture can also be printed, and more lives can be restored by the power of God’s Word.
Help Marko and others like him here.
Pray that this opportunity will challenge and inspire many of God’s people to participate. Ask God to continue moving work forward in the translation projects represented by this campaign. Pray for those who are still waiting for Scripture to be printed in their heart language.