India (MNN) — Known as the “Great Commission,” Jesus gives specific instructions to His followers in Matthew 28: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
“Church planting and making disciples has always been the core work of Far Corners Missions,” says Far Corners CEO Gary Bishop.
In 2014, Far Corners is taking it up a notch as they double the number of pastors-in-training at their Word of Life Bible College. It’s all a part of Vision 25.
“This year will be the first time ever that we’re starting 50 young men in our freshman class,” says Bishop. “God is opening up the door and equipping us to walk through it.”
So far, at least 17 young men are already enrolled for the fall 2014 semester. Pray that more will sign up in the coming months.
The Word of Life Bible College is like training institutions in the West, says Bishop. Students receive theological and practical training, except it’s all done in Telagu instead of English.
“That’s all designed to equip these young men to be able to go out and plant a church in what we call an unreached village,” Bishop explains. An unreached village has “no known Christians, no church, no pastor,” he adds.
“Less than 2% of the people in India are practicing Christians.”
Dorm expansion
Far Corners currently has the capacity to house 50 pastors-in-training at their Word of Life Bible Training Center Dormitory. To accommodate their goal of doubling each incoming class size, the ministry must expand the dorm.
“The great praise that we’d like our listeners to hear about is that God has blessed us with the money to actually pay for this construction,” shares Bishop.
“If we step forward in faith, God is so faithful to bring the resources, and He’s done that.”
Far Corners’ construction costs amounted to $88,000 USD. Bishop says architects and engineers are in the final stages of planning, making sure everything is up to code. While the ministry is excited to see progress being made, they still need a little help to furnish the new dorm rooms.
“That’s the thing people could help [with] if their heart is moved toward helping young men prepare to go plant a church and make disciples in unreached villages in India,” Bishop says.
Click here and select “India – Teach” to help this project financially.
Dorm construction will start at the end of March, so keep this project in your prayers. Pray also for graduates preparing to enter the mission field.
“You can just imagine what a challenge that is–when you go into the village the first time to begin to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people that have never heard about that,” says Bishop.
“There certainly are challenges and obstacles, and so these young men certainly need prayer.”