Mozambique (MNN) — American Thanksgiving week could not be more timely for Audio Scripture Ministries.
After several months of fundraising, ASM executive director Tom Dudenhofer has an announcement to make: "I'm very pleased and excited to say that God has provided all of the funding for the building of the studio in Mozambique as I speak to you right now."
The Mozambique studio is a unique feat for the ministry. ASM's typical ministry model is to record the Scriptures in various languages to provide audio Bibles for people around the globe who can't read or wouldn't have access to the Word otherwise.
It's out of the ordinary for ASM to build an entire studio, but the need the ministry saw in Mozambique was so extraordinary, Dudenhofer says, "We simply said we would give it to God. We would put the need out there in front of our very faithful donors and see if God would somehow enable this project to be completed."
God answered in incredible timing. The ministry vowed that they would not go into debt on this project, so they have just been building as the funding has come in. The foundation for the building was laid earlier in 2011, then a wall for the studio, then the first floor. It all happened as funding has allowed.
Now enough has been raised that within the next three to nine months, the building will be complete. Dudenhofer is hopeful for a fall 2012 building dedication.
The speed at which this project has moved forward is confirmation to Dudenhofer. "We just feel this is a tremendous answer from the Lord as to the long-term value of the Audio Scripture Ministry that's going to be taking place in Mozambique."
Mozambique is still fresh from civil war. Many are poor, many are eager for hope, and very few read–less than 50%. ASM has seen tremendous response from the audio Scriptures they've already distributed in the African nation. The studio will allow them to put even more language translations of God's Word into audio.
Funding is in, but there are still needs. "We still will have to raise some funds for some of the technical issues related to the studio," notes Dudenhofer.
Prayers are also coveted. Funding may be in, but "there are multiple things that can go wrong," points out Dudenhofer. Pray that all goes smoothly. Pray also that the Lord would be preparing Mozambican hearts to hunger for God's Word no matter their circumstances.
If you'd like to learn more about the studio project called One Brick at a Time, click here. You can also give to the project or find more ways to pray for it at that link.