India (MNN) — After a 4-year sponsorship program for orphans in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Evangelical Free Church GlobalFingerprints is expanding to reach children suffering in the slums of India.
When they broke even with overhead costs for the Congo program, GlobalFingerprints knew they wanted not only to continue that program but to expand past Africa. As they looked around at possibilities, they noticed that their partners in India were essentially already taking care of children but could certainly use some support.
"It was natural to come alongside our Indian partners to help just expand and accelerate what they're already doing," says Jill Hall, the GlobalFingerprints Program Director. "They already had a heart for the ministry and were doing the ministry without us. So by us coming alongside, we can hopefully expand and increase what they are able to do as they seek to show the love of Christ to those in their community."
The GlobalFingerprints program in India will look similar to the one in Congo, but India sponsorship will not work exclusively with orphans as sponsorship for Congo does. The India program will work with impoverished children living in the slums of Calcutta, many of them part of the caste known as the "untouchables."
The cost of saving one of these children among the poorest of the poor will be $28 per month. "The sponsorship funds go toward providing education, tuition, uniforms, shoes, books, medical care, nutritional support (which will look different in India than it does in Congo, probably), and emotional and social support through the local church," says Hall.
Since all children will be connected with local churches, they will undoubtedly be surrounded by the Gospel on all sides. Begin praying in advance that these children would experience the Lord in new and real ways as they become surrounded by Christ's love.
The new sponsorship program will not begin until August, but if you're interested, contact GlobalFingerprints here.