Guatemala (MNN) — Panabaj is a small village on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, just outside the city of Santiago.
On October 4, 2005, torrential rains from hurricane Stan caused massive mud slides down the face of the volcano next to the village. Over 1,000 people died, and the village was buried under volcanic mud, rock and debris. The hospital, school and police station were destroyed. Most of the people live in temporary housing in a field adjacent to the village as it is slowly being rebuilt. Families are still struggling even after almost three years, and many children are not going to school.
In the midst of this tragedy, a Baptist pastor who grew up in this community has taken a leadership role in helping minister to the community. He has partnered with Orphan Outreach to create a private Christian School in his church to meet the children's educational needs, while sharing Christ at the same time.
The school opened its doors in January 2009 as a preschool and elementary (Kindergarten, Prepa, First and Second) with approximately 120 students. But funding is needed to help these kids get a Christian education.
$30 a month can sponsor one child. Click here to help.