Congo (MNN) — Discipleship is underway in Congo after an
evangelistic campaign to 13 villages near Kama.
The Grace Ministries team used both tracts and
"The GodMan" DVD to share the Gospel, which resulted in 461 people coming to
GMI missionary Bill Vinton spent several weeks training and
teaching church leaders last month at the GMI Bible College in Kindu. He is also involved in leadership training
programs, writing books in Swahili for pastoral use, and working with local
pastors in church evangelism. The school hosted a two-day seminar for pastors.
The Congo is GMI's oldest and largest mission field. Right now, they have four missionaries working
with the Grace Church in Congo. This team deals with evangelism, church
planting, education, literature, medical work, and community development
Leaders for the 500 GMI churches are trained in their fully-accredited
Theological College, Pastors' School, and 16 Bible institutes.
A large medical center with two Congolese doctors is
functioning in a Muslim area where there is a focus on planting churches in the
surrounding unreached people groups. One teacher training college, 75 high
schools, and 145 grade schools are run by the national church.
Please pray for the GMI campaigns that will continue through the