USA (MNN) — The JESUS Film Project wants to give everyone in the world a chance to hear the Gospel in their own language. That's why they produced the story of Jesus on film in many languages.
Chief of Staff for the JESUS Film Project Scott Pendleton says the work isn't done. "We finished our 1,050th translation and dubbing of the film [recently]. And over the last 12 months, we've been able to finish 40 additional versions of the film."
While the financial crisis has affected the donations of many ministries, excitement for the "JESUS" film, based on the Gospel of Luke, hasn't diminished. "We are hoping to translate and dub the 'JESUS' film in the remaining languages of the world that have at least 100,000 speakers but do not yet have the 'JESUS' film in their language. That leaves us with about 500 more languages to go."
Pendleton says that won't happen in 2009 for one very important reason. "Of those remaining 500 languages that we've targeted now, about 400 languages do not yet have the Gospel of Luke translated into that language."
However, translating the "JESUS" film into other languages isn't the only priority in the year ahead. Pendleton says, "The area where we really want to improve is in the area of follow up, discipleship and church planting after people have seen the film. We're being more deliberate in training potential partners. We're training local churches to do the work."
As many areas of the world are going through difficult times physically due to a poor global economy, disasters and more, Pendleton believes it could be good for countries closed to the Gospel. "The people that are there locally will be asking more life questions and will be evaluating what they believe and hopefully asking themselves, 'What do I believe?' And that will cause more openness."
Every four seconds around the world, people are coming to Christ after viewing the "JESUS" film. Since 1979, the "JESUS" film has been viewed by several billion people all across the globe, resulting in more than 225 million men, women and children indicating decisions to follow Jesus.
As 2008 is coming to a close, your financial assistance not only will help translate the "JESUS" film into other languages, it can support a film team traveling from village to village to show the film and share the Gospel. If you'd like to help, click here.