Colombia (MNN) — On June 12, 2008, James Alexander Loaiza Avenidano became
the 500 millionth child to receive a Book
of Hope.
The Book of Hope
is a chronological and harmonized version of the four
Gospels telling the story of the life of Jesus. Book of Hope uses it as an evangelistic tool in its mission to affect
destiny by providing God's eternal Word to all the children and youth of the
A ten-year-old 5th grader at Institución Educativa Capilla del Rosario in Medellín, Colombia; Avenidano likes math,
soccer, hide-and-seek, and reading stories. He has a loving mother and sister, and he dreams of being a veterinarian or
a soccer player.
70 percent of the students at his school come from
single-parent homes; the lucky ones also have a grandmother. Only 8-10 children in every class will ever
be students at a university. 810 of Medellín's poorest children attend
the school.
The city of Medellín
was once known as a center for drug trade and violence, but the transforming
power of the Gospel is already changing that. Book of Hope believes that God is using the Book of Hope to help change
the city as it introduces children to Jesus Christ.
The first Book of Hope was distributed in 1987, the 50
millionth in 1999, and the 250 millionth in 2004. For only 33 cents, you can provide a Book of Hope for a needy child.