Malawi (MNN) — A $1.5 million Malaria Communities Program grant from USAID to Christian Reformed World Relief Committee will expand malaria prevention.
CRWRC has earned the grant for their 20 years of work in Malawi. Another news source reported that, Wednesday, the UN closed a refugee camp in the country for security reasons. Those in the camp were placed in a different camp where they will rebuild their homes in a new
CRWRC's will help such communities prevent malaria. Over the course of five years they will partner with Nkhoma Relief and Development to reach more than 50,400 homes. They will promote the use of preventative measures such as insecticide-treated bed-nets.
They will also specifically reach out to children and pregnant women. CRWRC will encourage prenatal exams and immediate medical examinations and treatment for suspected cases of malaria in
children younger than five.
The most important part of their outreach will be empowerment. CRWRC's strong relational
foundation and history in Malawi will be a great tool in this effort. CRWRC has an international reputation of "helping people help themselves." During the awards ceremony Rear Adm. R. Tim Ziemer, U.S. Malaria Coordinator, said, "Groups with local connections that have worked to build trust and provide hope are key partners in the effort to combat malaria at the local level."