Nicaragua (MNN) – Nearly a month and a half after Hurricane
Felix took a swipe at Nicaragua, the aftermath of the storm lingers in the
smells of decay that still shroud the landscape.
Hurricane Felix hit Nicaragua September 4, causing the worst
destruction since 1998. It was category
five–a monster storm, and Central America braced itself for the worst.
About 80 percent of community infrastructure was destroyed,
and agricultural land was flooded. Crops were devastated in the Region
Autonoma Atlantica Norte (RAAN) on Nicaragua's eastern coast, and up to 160, 000
people are in crisis in the days following the first responders.
"The main focus is to
provide assistance in the rehabilitation of homes–currently one of the most
urgent needs," says Nicole Peter, World Vision's regional program officer
for humanitarian emergency aid.
World Vision has sponsorship program areas in northern
Nicaragua. Last week, World Vision's
Nicaragua staff sent an additional 64 tons of aid. 1,600 families will receive a week's worth of
emergency supplies, including kitchen utensils, blankets, and personal hygiene
kits. In addition, plans are underway to seek funding to assist with reconstruction efforts.
Pray for the team as they meet the physical needs of
the survivors and act as the hands and feet of Christ. Click here if you can help.