Indonesia (MNN) — The population of Aceh is nearly 100% Muslim.
Indonesia (MNN) — The population of Aceh is nearly 100% Muslim.
Niger (MNN) — Persecuted Niger believers in need of prayer.
Malaysia (MNN) — Judges recently struck down over a dozen Shariah-based state laws, saying they encroached on federal authority.
Pakistan (MNN) — Attacks like these leave spiritual wounds.
Pakistan (MNN) — The TTP has been emboldened following the Afghan Taliban’s rise to power.
Pakistan (MNN) — The TTP has increased attacks since ending a ceasefire with Pakistan’s government in November.
Afghanistan (MNN) — The father of a murder victim shot and killed the murderer.
Afghanistan (MNN) — The Taliban imposed similarly archaic punishments when they ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001.
International (MNN) — Anything perceived as insulting to Islam can be called “blasphemy.”
Pakistan (MNN) — The Pakistani Taliban (TTP) has announced an indefinite ceasefire with Islamabad.